6 Ways To Get Rid Of Skin Tags On Neck
Skin tags are formed when blood vessels and collagen get trapped in the thicker bits of the skin. Skin tags appear as fleshy outgrowths on the skin. They mostly appear on the neck. However, they can also appear on other parts of the body. Skin tags are not harmful. There is no medical reason that compels you to remove them. But if this is what you want to do, it could be as easy as searching for wart remover on Google and then doing some research. With anything you are unfamiliar with, take your time to make your decision, as you’ll want to make the right choices.
However, a skin tag can have a significant effect on how the skin on your neck looks. The skin tag on the neck is very visible and it can cause irritations. You may want to remove a skin tag so that you can improve the look of the skin around your neck. Fortunately, the many simple things that can be done when you want to remove skin tags on neck. If none of the tips below work it might be a good idea to talk to a specialist from websites similar to https://houstonacnespecialists.com/. But anyway, here are 6 ways to that will help you get rid of skin tags on neck:
1. Have The Skin Tag Removed Surgically
This is one of the easiest ways to remove a skin tag on neck. Your doctor can help you get rid of a skin tag on your neck through a surgical procedure. This is simple procedure that your doctor can complete very quickly. The doctor will start by cleaning the area around a skin tag and then proceed to removing it using scalpel or scissors. Small tags can be removed without the use of an aesthetic. Sometimes, a local anesthetic can be used to reduce the pain as the doctor removes a skin tag.
2. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar On It
Apple cider vinegar is a very effective home remedies that you can use when you want to eliminate the skin tag on your neck. Soak a small cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then apply it on the skin tag. It will take about one month for a skin tag to disappear when you apply apple cider vinegar on it consistently. You should apply apple cider vinegar on a skin tag at least twice a day until it turns black and falls off.
3. Take Advantage Of Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice is one of the things that you can easily find that can help you get rid of a skin tag on your neck very fast. Apply pure pineapple juice in a skin tag at least twice a day. You should not rinse it off immediately. Let it stay on your skin for as long as possible. It is likely that you will see good results in 10 days if you are consistent. This juice is also very effective on moles.

skin tags on neck
4. Use Castor Oil
Mix castor oil with a little baking powder to create thick paste. You should then apply this thick paste on the skin tag that you have on your neck. The paste can be sticky. You should leave it on a skin tag for as long as possible. Apply this thick paste on the skin tag for three to four weeks. It will not take long before you notice that the skin tag on your neck is disappearing slowly.
5. Apply Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has been used for a long time to treat very many skin conditions. A skin tag is one of the things that can be treated effectively using tea tree oil. To apply tee tree oil on a skin tag effectively, soak a cotton ball in water and then add a few drops of tea tree oil. Repeat the application process two times a day until the skin tag falls off.
6. Apply Over The Counter Creams
There are many over the counter creams that you use to get rid of a skin tag. There are some of these creams that are very effective. You should ask your doctor for a few recommendations. A pharmacist can also recommend a few suitable over the counter creams for skin tags on the neck. There is also the skin pro tag remover which is reviewed highly. Follow application instructions strictly to get the best results.
Other Useful Tips
- Apply lemon juice.
- Vitamin E oil application can really help.
- Cover the skin tag using a duct tape and leave it on until it starts to loosen.
- Apply some onion juice on a skin tag.
- Get nail polish. Apply the nail polish on the skin tag. Allow it to dry and then get rid of it.