10 Ways To Get Rid Of Ear Wax Fast And Naturally

Ear wax is a substance that the ear glands produce to protect the ear. Cerumen is its scientific name. There are several processes that take place in the ear for it to get rid of wax that has been in the ear for a long time. But at times blockages occur and this may cause difficulty in hearing. In this case there are several natural ways to get rid of ear wax fast which include:


1. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

The fact that hydrogen peroxide has an effervescent property which is an effective way of getting remove ear wax and stuck particles. In this case it is suitable for getting rid of ear wax. The following procedure should be followed for it to work:

  • Mix an equal amount of hydrogen peroxide and water.
  • Using an ear dropper, place the mixture on the affected ear.
  • Tilt the head to ensure the solution reaches the wax that needs to be broken down.
  • After some few minutes tilt the head on the opposite side to drain the liquid.
  • Use a clean cloth to remove the wax that will have been broken down.


2. Apply Olive Oil

Olive oil is well known for its ability to get rid of bad fat in the body. What people did not know is that olive oil can also be used to removing ear wax. It softens the ear wax for easy removal from the ear. For it to work, this steps should be followed:

  • Using a dropper place few drops of olive oil in the ear before bedtime.
  • Let the excess oil drop out and wait for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the process for about a week or less.
  • Regularly clean the ear with clean cotton wool to remove the wax.


3. Glycerin

Glycerin is well known to get rid of stretch marks that may appear on any part of the body. Well, glycerin can also be used as an effective way to clean ear wax. It softens the ear wax for it to be easily removed from the ear. The following steps should be followed:

  • Place few drops of glycerin in the ear using an ear dropper.
  • Take a few minutes for the glycerin to settle in.
  • Tilt the head on the opposite direction to allow wax to reach contact with glycerin.
  • Clean out the removed wax with a clean cloth.


4. Salt Water

This is also known as a saline solution and it is very effective as it softens the wax and makes it gooey. It makes the wax removable from the ear. These steps should be followed:

  • In warm water mix a teaspoon of salt.
  • Ensure the salt is totally dissolved.
  • Tilt the head and place the solution in the ear.
  • Hold that position for about 3-5 minutes.
  • Tilt the head on the opposite direction and allow the solution to pour out.
  • Using a clean cloth or cotton clean out the melted wax.

ear wax removal

5. Try Warm Water

This is one of the easy ways to deal with ear wax and makes it easy to get ear wax out. Water is easily available to many people. Warm water is gentle to the ear. Ensure that the water is warm to the right temperatures and also it should be clean to prevent bacterial infection that may cause stress to the ear.

  • Fill ad dropper with warm water.
  • Tilt the head and drop the warm water directly into the ear.
  • On the ear canal, place a small amount of water.
  • Leave the ear to rest for about two minutes.
  • Tilt the head on the opposite direction to drain out the water.
  • Use a clean cloth to clean away the water as well as the dislodged wax.


6. Vinegar And Rubbing Alcohol Solution

This is one of the remedies that is known to many especially the older generation. The mixture dissolves the ear wax and the rubbing alcohol acts as a drying agent to get rid of the liquid that may be left in the ear. Vinegar goes a long way to get rid of bacteria that may be causing the blockage.

  • In a bowl, mix vinegar and rubbing alcohol. Ensure they both are of the same amount.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution.
  • Squeeze the solution into the affected ear.
  • Take a few minutes and tilt the head on the opposite direction for the solution to pour out together with the wax.
  • Using a cotton bud clean the ear to remove the wax from the outer part of the ear.


7. Baking Soda

Ear wax is tough and the only way to get rid of it is by softening it. Baking soda can be effectively used for the purpose of softening wax in the ear. For this to work the following steps should be followed:

  • Make a mixture of baking soda and water.
  • Place a few drops into the infected ear.
  • Wait for a few minutes to reach the ear wax.
  • Place warm water in the ear for the purpose of cleaning it.
  • Tilt the head on the opposite direction to pour out the solution.
  • Clean the ear using a clean cloth.


8. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to help the body get rid of toxins. They also have an added advantage of cleaning ear wax blocking the ear.

Ingest the omega 3 fatty acids and do not place them in the ear. Enquire from the doctor the amount of fatty acids to take in a day.Ensure that your meal has a high content of foods rich in fatty acids.


9. Use Almond Oil to Get Rid of Earwax

It is hard to believe that oil can be used to remove ear wax due to the idea that wax has an ioly consistency. Almond oil acts as a lubricant and it softens the wax for easy removal. Steps to follow include:

  • Ensure that the almond oil is not too hot or too cold.
  • Use a dropper and put about 5 drops into the infected ear.
  • Put the head in the tilted position for 5-10 minutes.
  • Place a tissue or cotton wool over the ear and tilt the head to the opposite direction.
  • Use a soft cloth to clean the ear.


10. Apply Coconut Oil To Get Rid Of Ear Wax

Coconut is also another type of oil that is good to get ear wax out. It has MCFA that is a form of fatty acid that helps get rid of excess wax in the ear. Coconut oil also has anti-microbial properties that prevents ear infection. The following steps should be followed:

  • Use a dropper to place three drops of clean coconut oil into the infected ear.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes.
  • Put in clean warm water into the ear to wash out the oil.
  • Use a clean soft cloth to clean the excess liquid from the ear.


Useful Tips To Avoid Wax In The Ear

  • Avoid using wrong items to clean the ear. Stick to using clean ear buds to clean the ears.
  • Avoid cleaning the ear using the wrong methods. There is a tendency of people pushing in the wax rather than removing it out.
  • Avoid Listening to music for a long period of time using headsets. Using of headsets does not allow wax to come out naturally.
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