10 Ways to Get Rid Of Chin Fat Fast

Chin fat can be the reason behind your distress. It is a condition which affects both men and women. Overweight leads to deposition of fasts under your chin making the skin to sag. There are many remedies you can try as a way of removing the excess fats from your chin.

You can watch your diet and reduce the excess fats from your body or just use exercises which will aim at reducing the amount of fat on your chin. There are several possible remedies available, it is upon you to take time and decide on the best remedy which will enable you get rid of the fat under your chin easily.


1. Sugar Free Gum

You will easily get rid of chin fat after you make your muscles along the jaw exercise. Sugarless gum is among the best ways you can use to keep your chin muscles toned. Sugar free gum apart from exercising your muscles is very effective in helping you maintain healthy teeth. The remedy is very easy to apply, just buy enough sugar free gum and have them near your reach. If you stay at home, have them in your wardrobe so that you will easily reach for them each time you will like to chew. You can as well carry it with you so that any opportunity you will have to chew can be utilized.


2. Cocoa Butter

You will easily get rid of fat under your chin if you will make a habit of using cocoa butter regularly. The application process is quite simple. Just warm cocoa butter and massage your chin area where there are huge deposits of fat. The butter has necessary ingredients which will help in keeping your skin elastic. You can apply the butter in the morning before you take a bath as well as in the evening when you are about to go to bed. It is among the effective remedies which will easily solve your fat under chin problem.


3. Wheat Germ Oil

Using wheat germ oil to massage your neck on a regular basis you will achieve great success in getting rid of fat under your chin. Wheat germ is rich in vitamin E which will help in nourishing the skin. It also plays a great role in tightening the skin. Before you enter bed, just rub wheat germ oil on the area with fat deposits. Massage the chin for about 15 minutes and leave the oil in position overnight. Repeat the process on a regular basis so that you will get rid of the excess fats from your chin.

chin fat before and after

4. Egg Whites

Egg white masks are very effective in tightening the skin. The egg whites are also very helpful in improving the health of the skin. Make a mixture of egg whites, one tablespoon of lemon juice milk, and honey. You can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture around your neck and chin area. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes after which you will wash off using warm water. You will be required to repeat the process on a daily basis so that you will achieve quick results.


5. Glycerin

A mask of glycerin will help you get rid of chin fat. You will need half a tablespoon of Epsom salt, one tablespoon of glycerin and a few drops of peppermint. Make a mixture and then use a cotton pad to apply on the chin region. Wait till the solution has been absorbed after which you will wash thoroughly using cold water. You can repeat the process one each day till you get rid of the excess fats on your chins.


6. Chin Exercises

Chin exercises are very helpful in toning your neck, face and jaw muscles. You can easily get rid of excess fats from your chin through application of chin exercises. There are several exercises you can apply. It is upon you to take time and decide on one which will work well for your specific situation. You can try clockwise and anticlockwise turning of your head while keeping your spine straight. The exercises can be performed several times in a day. In each session you can perform up to 10 repetitions so that you will be assured of great success.


7. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in components which speed up the metabolism rate. This is very helpful in helping you burn excess calories as well as fat which has been deposited on your chin area. Green tea is available in several flavors; it is upon you to choose a flavor which will work well for you. You can start the day by drinking a cup of green tea and drink several cups in a day so that you will get rid of the disturbing fats from your face.


8. Vitamin E

You will improve the health of your skin through improving your intake of vitamin E. You will find vitamin E in most of the food sources. For example, you will find the vitamins in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, wheat germ, legumes, seeds, nuts soybeans, beans, liver and peanuts. You should make effort and include such foods in your diet so that you will develop healthy skin which will prevent deposition of fats under the chin. You can as well take vitamin E supplement on a daily basis so that you will achieve quick results.


9. Milk Massage

You will easily tone the skin around your chin through milk massage. Application of milk is also very helpful in keeping your skin moist and beautiful. Just apply milk on your chin and massage for few minutes. After the massage, relax for few minutes after which you will rinse off with lukewarm water. You can as well mix milk and honey and use it to massage the chin region.


10. Melon

You will easily tone the skin as well as reducing chin fat through application of melon. Take a fresh melon and extract he juice. With the help of a cotton ball apply the juice on the chin. Let the juice sit for 20 minutes after which you will rinse off. You can as well mix lemon juice with apple juice for effective results.

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