10 Ways to Get Rid Of Canker Sores On Tongue Fast

Canker sores are inflammatory conditions of the mouth. Women are more likely to develop canker sores. Canker sores are different from cold sores and fever blisters. This is because they are not contagious. A canker sore is an ulcer in the mucus membrane in your mouth. They are medically referred to as aphthous stomatitis.

The sore appear as red lesions that have white or yellow centers. They can form inside the lips, tongue, cheeks, and the upper surface of the mouth. They have symptoms such as a burning sensation, inflammation, and pain. Some of the factors which can trigger canker sores include hormonal changes, immune system issues, stress, hereditary factors, use of certain drugs, and smoking. For example, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a sore tongue after orally administering natural products infused with CBD. You can learn more about this potential side effect of using CBD products by researching ‘why is my tongue itchy after terpene cbd?’ and from there you might also want to look up some common methods for soothing the itching sensation. Moreover, in some cases, viral infection can also lead to the development of canker sores. So, let us now discover how to relieve canker sores.



1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural remedy which can be used to get rid of canker sores. It has properties such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory among other curative properties which make it very helpful in getting rid of canker sores. Aloe Vera helps in easing pain caused by inflammation as well as speeding up the healing process. The application process is quite simple, just take a gel from a freshly cut leaf and apply on the canker sores. You need to apply the gel three times a day. You can as well use aloe Vera juice if it is hard to obtain fresh leaf. With the juice you will be required to rinse your mouth four times in a day.


2. Coriander

Coriander contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties which make it among the most effective treatments for the sores. Take a handful of coriander leaves and boil them in a glass of water. Allow the solution to cool and then gargle the lukewarm water. You can as well use coriander seeds. You will be required to boil a cup of water and one teaspoon of coriander seeds. You can strain the seed and rinse your mouth with the solution.


3. Honey

Honey has antiseptic as well as antibacterial properties. It has soothing properties which will make it easy for you to get rid of pain associated with canker sores. You will be required to apply a teaspoon of honey on the affected areas. At first it can increase pain, but with some time it will soothe hence help you in getting rid of the sores. You can as well mix one teaspoon of honey and a quarter of turmeric to make a paste which you will then apply on the affected area. After applying the paste on the affected area, you can leave it in position for few minutes after which you will rinse the mouth with lukewarm water.

canker sores tongue

4. Salt

Salt is very effective in drawing out fluid from the canker sore. This will aid in speeding up the healing process. Take one teaspoon of salt and stir it in a cup of lukewarm water. Use the solution to rinse your mouth several times. You can swish the solution in your mouth for at least 30 seconds after which you will spit out. The salt is very helpful in disinfecting the mouth. After you are done with rinsing, put a pinch of salt directly on the canker sore. It will be painful but it will speed up the healing process. You can repeat the process five times in a day to achieve quick relief.


5. Baking Soda

Baking soda is very effective in neutralizing the acidity and soothing the inflammation. You will be required to add a little water to one teaspoon of baking soda after which you will apply the paste on the affected area. You can use a cotton ball or fingers to apply the paste on the sores. Let the paste stay in position for few minutes after which you will rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. You can repeat the process for few times in a day to get rid of the problem. You can as well mix about two teaspoons in a glass of water and use the water to rinse your mouth. Try the remedy five times in a day and you will get rid of the sores from your mouth.


6. Sage

Sage is an effective herb which can be used to treat cankers sores at home. The calming property of the herb will give you quick relief from inflammation and pain caused by canker sores. Add about three teaspoon of sage leaves to about two cups of boiling water. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes then allow it to cool to room temperature. Use the solution to rinse your mouth. By repeating the procedure three times in a day you will achieve quick relief from the pain. You can as well apply dry powdered sage leaves on the affected area


7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which work as effective skin disinfectants. They can be used to cure canker sores easily. Just add about 10 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water after which you will use the solution to rinse your mouth. Apply the solution three times in a day and you will achieve quick relief from canker sores. You can alternatively dilute about two drops of tea tree oil with half a tablespoon of water and apply the solution on the affected area.


8. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is among the effective canker sore on tongue remedies which you can apply. The pepper contains capsaicin which can temporarily numb the nerves. This will give instant relief from pain and inflammation. You will just take a small amount of cayenne per powder and make a paste which you will apply directly on the sores. At first you will feel irritation but with time they will disappear.


9. Hydrogen Peroxide

This is another remedy you can use to get rid of canker sore under tongue. It has antiseptic properties which will help in reducing bacteria in the mouth. You will have to take a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and mix with a glass of water to make a solution which you will rinse your mouth but avoid swallowing, apply three times in day to get rid of the canker sore under tongue.


10. Onion

Onion is among canker sore on tongue remedy which you can apply to heal canker sores and reduce inflammation. It contains sulfur which is very effective in healing the sores. You will have to take one onion and cut it into small pieces. Use the pieces to press onto the affected area. Ensure the juice has been absorbed into the sores. By repeating the process three times in a day you will get rid of canker sores from your mouth.

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