10 Ways To Get Rid Of A Stye On Your Eye Fast

Most reddish bumps forming on the eyelid which looks like a pimple are styes. A stye can be explained as inflammation of a sebaceous gland which is present just over your eyelid. Bacteria are the most common reason why a person can get stye which are usually transferred to the eye because of improper hygiene.

Some symptoms of styes are swelling, pain, redness, burning sensation, sensitivity to light, discomfort when blinking and such other irritating and uncomfortable situations. But, there is no need to be alarmed about the bump on your eye as you can easily get rid of a stye on your eye fast by following these10 home remedies:

1.) Warm Compress

This is one of the best ways to remove a stye. This method will not will get the pus out but will provide immediate relief from all the annoying symptoms of stye. For this, first warm up some water; just make sure the water is not too hot. Then dip a clean cotton cloth in the water and squeeze out the excess. Now, hold the warm cloth on your infected eye for 5-10mins and then repeat the step for 6-7 times. Take warm compress like this 3-4 times daily for the best result.

2.) Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are known for reducing the swelling and burning sensation that you might be feeling, and also for curing stye quickly. So, crush some mint leaves and make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the infected eye and keep for 5mins and then rinse it with warm water. You can even boil mint leaves and use the water for the “warm compress” method.

3.) Parsley Leaves

Similarly like mint leaves, you can add parsley leaves in boiling water and use that water for the “warm compress” method. Parsley can effectively help you to get rid of your painful stye as it acts as a purification agent for your infected eye. Hence, the parsley infused water can bring out all the toxic material which aids in a speedy recovery.

stye on your eye

4.) Tea Bag

Herbal teas like dandelion and chamomile tea can help a lot as these herbs are anti-bacterial and can bring out the pus quicker; thereby reduce the infection quickly. Take a tea bag and wet it in lukewarm water and then place it over your infected eye for 10-15mins. Repeat this 5 times daily until you get rid of it for good. You can also use black tea if you do not have herbal tea at home but herbal tea is highly recommended.

5.) Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is truly a miracle plant as it has proven helpful in many different situations; all thanks to its healing properties. So, it is not a surprise that aloe vera can also be used to get rid of a stye. Take the pulp or store-bought aloe vera gel on a cotton ball and apply it on your infected eye throughout the day as many times as you want.

6.) Turmeric

Turmeric which is a staple in many kitchens all around the world is an amazing spice known for its anti-inflammatory properties. If you can get your hands on raw turmeric then crush it to make a paste and apply it to your infected eye. But, turmeric powder is more widely available than raw turmeric. So, in case of turmeric power, boil 2 cups of water and mix in 1 teaspoon of this golden spice and let it boil until the water becomes half. Strain the liquid and then cool the mixture. You can use this mixture as eye drop to cure the stye effectively.

7.) Potato

Make a paste out of raw potato first. Then take the paste on a cotton ball or a cloth and apply it on your infected eye. Keep the paste for 5mins and repeat this 2times daily to remove your stye for good. This home remedy is also great if you are experiencing excessive swelling due to the stye.

8.) Cucumber Slice

Cucumbers are helpful in reducing pain and inflammation, and thus they work effectively to remove stye. Just like in a spa, take a cucumber slice and place it over your infected eye and keep it there for 30mins. You will see that you are immediately getting relief from the agonizing symptoms of stye. You can follow this method all throughout the day as many times as you want; just make sure that you change the slice after 30mins.

9.) Garlic Juice

Many people are not aware of the fact the garlic juice can be used to get rid of their styes quickly and effectively. This is because; this method is neglected as it burns a bit and many do not prefer the smell of garlic. But, garlic is great for healing infection, and thus you should give this a try. Crush some garlic cloves to take out the liquid and apply a tiny bit of this liquid on your infected eye. Keep for 2-3mins and rinse with warm water. Repeat this 2-3 times daily for a fast result.

10.) Calendula Essential Oil

If you do not have calendula essential oil at home, then it is about time that you buy one. Because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, they are used to heal different skin related problems like acne, rashes and also eye stye.

Other Useful Tips (Dos and Don’ts)


  • Do avoid makeup especially eye makeup as it will not only increase the infection but it will also irritate the infected eye more.
  • Do wear glasses and stay clear from contact lenses even if they are new and clean. Wearing contact lens will definitely irritate the infected eye, slow down the healing process and contaminate the non-infected eye.
  • Do avoid sugary food during the healing process.
  • Do have separate face towel and other such object to minimize contamination as stye is contagious.


  • Don’t rub, starch, pinch or squeeze your infected eye. And most importantly do not pop the stye. This will worsen your condition, spread the infection on to your non-infected eye and worsen the symptoms.
  • Don’t go outside as dust can further worsen the condition. Wash your face and eye with only water throughout the day to keep them dirt and dust free.
  • Don’t work on your computer, watch TV or read a book as it will strain your eyes and worsen the symptoms. Keep your eye closed, meaning take ample rest.
  • Don’t carry on using home remedies if the stye is not gone in a week. It is very important to visit a doctor if the stye persists.
  • So, these were the 10 home remedies along with some dos and don’ts that will make getting rid of a stye a quick and easy process.
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